ASEEES First Book Subvention Program
Ends on
Application Guidelines:
- Applications should be made for manuscripts that have already been contracted and peer reviewed in full, and are at or nearing the production stage. Applications should be submitted by publishers only—not by authors.
- The publisher should submit the application using the online application form below.
- A complete application should also include:
- An overview of the book and its scholarly significance (not to exceed 1,500 words).
- A copy of the author's CV
- The manuscript's Contents page and two sample chapters, complete with references. (One of these samples should be the Introduction, if applicable.).
- A copy of all peer reviews of the book obtained by the press, along with the author's responses. The names of reviewers may be withheld, provided that the publisher certifies that the reviewers are established scholars who are not from the same institution as the author.
Grant Amount: Maximum $2,500
Deadlines: February 1 & September 1 11:59 PM Hawaii Time
Decisions of the selection committee are final and will be announced 4-6 weeks after each deadline. Funds will be disbursed at the time of award and should be expended within two years at the most.
For more information on the program and eligibility, click HERE.